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Old 11-15-2021, 03:53 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
Duh --- If you pitch extremely effectively until you are 40 or more (Spahn, Johnson & Grove), you will not be elected to the Hall of Fame at the age of 37. Sorry Tony, but your argument has a big hole in it.

Jeez, if there could only be one left-handed pitcher in Cooperstown, it would be a war zone. Jousting Net54 proponents of each pitcher could settle this definitively in less time than it takes to read this thread, but I bet none of you would volunteer to participate in a joust.

C'mon men.

You're 100% right! (Good lord, did I actually just say that? )

This is a debate that cannot be won or lost as it is a totally subjective question that no statistics or other objective information can ever truly answer. Everyone has their own opinions and biases, and we're dealing with different people across different eras and times, playing under different rules and circumstances, along with a myriad of other different mitigating and contributing factors. People debating on here are taking many things out of context in their arguments, or forgetting that context even matters to begin with. Or they start reciting statistics, but pick and choose, or narrow and/or expand, the scope and/or time period of those chosen statistics to tailor them to produce the result they want it it to be. There has been no exact, specific definition of precisely what the word "best" or "greatest" means in the context of this hotly debated question. And until such an accord as to the precise definition is reached by all the partipants, there will never be the remotest possibility of arriving at a consensus answer to the question.

I personally don't know who the greatest left handed pitcher of all time (to date) is, but can certainly concur and agree with all the candidates that have been nominated in this thread as to at least being in the discussion. What I don't agree with is when people forget, ignore, or purposely disregard the context of situations, circumstances, and/or the who, what, and why of their topic of debate and use their narrow minded and focused thinking to insult and disparage those from other times, periods, and circumstances as just being useless, worthless, or just plain out of hand, not good enough or deserving of any consideration. To me, the treatment by some of Grove, and especially Spahn, rises to this disgusting level of what I was just referring to. And it may also bespeak to the type of person those that are guilty of doing such truly are. For if such people, without any real forethought or remorse, can be so dismissing of the likes of Grove and Spahn, how can they react to or think about the likes of you, me, or anyone else out there in the real world?

Last edited by BobC; 11-15-2021 at 04:15 PM.
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