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Old 10-31-2021, 07:50 PM
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earlywynnfan earlywynnfan is offline
Ke.n Su.lik
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default Awful songs you just can't get enough of

I have to admit, the music threads on this forum have been some of my favorites. I am hoping you guys wouldn't mind if I started another.

Today the Dear Wife and I were riding in the car, and a song I just can't get enough of came on, one of those "guilty pleasures." So I cranked it up and started singing, surely way off key. My wife said "If you're going to listen to this, at least roll up the windows!" And then she actually slid down in her seat!!

The song? "I Think I Love You" by the Partridge Family. I know it's awful, but I just have to listen to it every time it comes on. I'd like to think I have good taste in music, don't know where this one comes from.

Does anyone else have a particular song that's probably embarrassing, but you just don't care??
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