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Old 10-29-2021, 10:33 AM
parkerj33 parkerj33 is offline
Jim Parker
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: NY
Posts: 296

Hey Ted.

In another thread you posted a pic of 12 150-only cards, and seemed to imply that they must have been on the same sheet. Maybe I misread your implication, but I don't see how you can conclude that because there were 11 150-only cards that weren't extended into the 150/350 series, that they then must have been on the same sheet.

Here is my reasoning: ATC puts together ~150 (156) cards for the first series....They are randomly organized into sheets (maybe 12 wide, maybe not....) for printing and then for back "assignment".

Turns out that out of those ~150, a few errors, mistakes and problems arise...guys die, guys leave the big leagues, Plank/wagner, Magie/Magee, etc. When they laid out the original sheets in april 1909, they would have had no idea which random images would need to later be excised....

So my contention, is that when they decided to expand to 350 cards...they just took the first ~12 or so from the proposed new sheets and inserted them into the existing sheets as replacements for the non-extended subjects. maybe they had 9 to replace, but since they had sheets of 12, they replaced 12 people from the 150series sheet layouts.

respectfully, jim.
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