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Old 10-28-2021, 11:05 AM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
P@trick R.omolo
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 3,354

Adding to the stages theory, in different degrees there's usually a group of subjects that are tougher on a particular back than another group and sometimes there's yet another group that falls in the middle.

Just using the Old Mills for example because they were discussed recently with the print group 1 subjects. For instance lets say they were printed in three stages the group of tougher subjects would have only been on a sheet for one stage the middle group for 2 stages and the easier ones for all 3. Now if there the old mills were only printed in two stages it could be that there were a lot more sheets printed in one of the stages and the tougher group was printed in the short print stage the middle group in the long print stage and the easier group in both stages.

This would also apply if they were printed in different facility's.
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