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Old 10-27-2021, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I think two. The silver border series was definitley printed and done first, only from Mecca 649 (the only Mecca release to not have a factory 30 version). We know this because of the Coburn card; the man to his left on the Silver border card was for some reason removed from the image for the white border. There are two variations of his white border card showing different levels of removal of the man in the background.

The change in card images strongly suggests to me the silver's were not issued concurrently with the white borders, but this can't be stated as absolute fact.

The checklist was then expanded to 50 cards and issued as a single (probably) White Border series, with Mecca and Tolstoi. You can tell, for the non-fight-between cards, purely by the style of the artwork and its background whether a card was first produced in the Silver run or was only issued with the second series. I would think there was likely a gap between Mecca and Tolstoi's release of the 2nd series white border run, if the date in the ATC ledger is accurate.

I think it is a strong possibility that, internally, ATC thought of T220 as the same set as T218 (note the series caption on card backs, there are no "athletes" in T220, used by 2 of the 3 T218 brands; 2 of which did not issue the entire set), and T220 is really the third series of T218, making what we call the third series actually the fourth series.
Thanks Greg. What I was wondering was if there were any of the panels that would seem out of sequence on this sheet but if the silver run was one series any of the T220 subjects could make up a panel on a silver sheet.

For what it worth as far as the T220 Tolstoi's go I strongly feel the Tolstoi back were printed later in each T206 series that they were printed in. I felt that way before I knew about the ATC journal and the info in the journal that pretty much backs it up.
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