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Old 10-12-2021, 04:00 PM
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jingram058 jingram058 is offline
J@mes In.gram
Join Date: Sep 2020
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Posts: 1,969

Ya know, the Yanks might not have won the Series since 2009, but they have won it 27 times overall. That's because their owners, for the most part gave a crap about the team, and could actually afford to own a team. Thus, Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Reggie, Mattingly, Jeter and all the rest. Maybe if your owner gave a damn instead of pocketing whatever profit, your team might be a winner. But the thing is, I'm 63. Your team could win the Series every year until I'm pushing up daisies, and still not catch up with the Yankees. Now how do you like that?
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