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Old 10-11-2021, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by swarmee View Post
I think it would be interesting to see if PSA is going to use AI in the future to help authenticate autographs. If so, would this one pass at that time?
It's plausible, but I doubt it. They would need separate training data for each signature they want to authenticate, and would need a very large sample of both known authentic signatures and forged signatures for it to learn from. Many thousands of examples for each player. And if the background behind the autos is an image, as opposed to just a plain white background, then they would need even more. Then they would need to pay a highly skilled worker to build a separate model, fine tuning the parameters and hyper-parameters for each player. For a player like Joe Jackson with a mere handful of known examples, it simply wouldn't be possible to do with AI. For a player like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Bob Feller or Michael Jordan though, it could be done. I don't know how useful/accurate the results would be though, as I've never built models for this specific application, but I suspect a skilled data scientist could build a model that would likely outperform any human expert for this specific problem. However, the juice probably isn't worth the squeeze. If you think auto authentication is expensive now, just wait until the cost increases 10-fold.
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