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Old 10-09-2021, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
To UPDATE information....or is that to complicated for your "obsessive mind" to comprehend !

Now, do you mind if the rest of us return to the main Topic on this thread ! ?


T206 REFERENCE....convenient access to T206 checklists

No Ted it's not to complicated I know exactly what you changed and I knew you wouldn't admit it. You removed Ames from one list and added him to another and put corrected typo as a reason for editing it.

In your edited post there are 9 cards that you expect to be found with a BL460 back but in Johns unedited post he asks you about the 8 cards you listed and you forgot to change the exclusive 8 to 9 in your own post when you edited it 10 years later to add Ames to the list.

Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
I really appreciate all your complimentary words here. They have engendered a great feeling in me. Some folks try to dazzle
you with their PSA8 graded cards....I'd rather dazzle you with some high-level research into the mystery's of BB card issues.

John W
I am upping the ante on this REWARD to $20 for CONFIRMED info on the 28 cards that I claim are BL 460 "NO-PRINTS". I am
quite confident that these 28 cards wont be found with BL 460 backs (simply because my research suggests that they were
never printed).

Hey guys, I may be proven wrong on this......and, I welcome that. However, I do not expect to go broke paying out Andrew
Jackson greenbacks.

Please note....I still think that there is a good probability that any (or all) of the following cards will eventually be found with
BL 460 backs....and, my offer stands to pay anyone $20 for the verification of any of these....."Elusive Eight".

[B]1 Ames (hands over head)
2 Bender (no trees)
3 Chance (portrait-yellow)
4 Chase (portrait-blue)
5 Chase (dark cap)
6 Cobb (bat off shoulder)
7 Donlin (bat)
8 Doyle (bat)
9 Magee (bat)[/B]

Best regards to all of you,

Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Regarding your......

" I understand that you know which 26 different BL460s exist, and which 8 are likely to exist, but do you have any population
numbers (total graded and/or non-graded) on any of the known cards? "

I do not do POP reports, so I can't provide you any population #'s. Anyhow PSA #'s, for the most part, would be unrepresent-
ative. In 30 years of collecting T206's, I've seen at least one example of 20 of the 26 listed BL 460 cards.

In a about 5 cases, I have seen 2 examples. Perhaps, I might just start a survey here to see what kind of population exists
among the BL 460 cards.

And speaking of obsessed you have called out t206resource on a number of occasions and even offered a $500 reward twice for an Ames AB460 they have on their list.

Funny thing is you said you owned one and had it on your AB460 list for years and went back and edited all of your lists that had him on it.

But you couldn't edit this one where you claim to own it in your complete AB460 subset because it's on the old board.

Originally Posted by Archive View Post
Posted By: Ted Zanidakis

There are 103 possible T206's that could have been printed with the American Beauty 460 back. But,
there are always those "nasty" No-Prints that keep you guessing. After 4 years of hunting for AB 460
cards, it appears that 33 Subjects are No-Prints. This of course is subject to revision, if additional AB
460's are found.

So, it's taken me 4 years to acquire 70 cards. It took me only 11 months to put together a 521 card
T206 Piedmont set. So, that gives you an idea how tough these AB 460 cards are.

Since the AB 460 back has a Factory 42 (North Carolina) identification, we can presume these cards
were issued at the very end of the T206 production run (circa 1911). So, I thought it would be cool
to collect this final T206 issue.

[linked image]
[linked image]

[linked image]

Listed here are the 70 cards in my set. The 350/460 Series is first and the 460-only Series follows.....

350/460 Series......30 cards

Ames (hands above head)
Bradley (bat)
Burch (fielding)
Cobb (bat off)
Conroy (bat)
Crawford (bat)
Elberfeld (Washington-fielding)
Jennings (one hand)
Jennings (two habds)
Jordan (bat)
Lajoie (bat)
Lake (no ball)
Leach (cap)
Leifield (bat)
Manning (pitching)
McQuillan (bat)
Mullin (bat)
Overall (yellow sky)
Pelty (vertical)
Pfeister (throwing)
Snodgrass (catching)
Steinfeldt (bat)
Tinker (bat off)
Wagner (bat on right)
Willis (bat)
Wilhelm (bat)
Wiltse (throwing)

460-only Series......40 cards

Abbaticcio (blue sleeves)
Ball (Cleveland)
Bergen (catching)
Bridwell (cap)
Camnitz (arms at side)
Camnitz (arms up)
Chance (bat)
Chase (Trophy)
Crandall (cap)
Doyle (portrait)
Howell (hands at waist)
Lake (with ball)
Marquard (follow thru)
McGraw (glove at hip)
Oldring (bat)
Overall (blue sky)
Schaefer (Washington)
Schulte (back view)
Schlei (bat)
Seymour (portrait)
Sheckard (glove)
F. Smith (Chicago & Boston)
H. Smith (Brooklyn)
Stovall (bat)
Tannehill (Chicago)
Tinker (bat on)
Wiltse (portrait w/cap)

I'd very much appreciate any additions to this I said, I am not 100% certain that these
70 cards complete this run. Actually, I would have expected more of them from the 460-only Series.

So, once more I'm asking you T206 collectors to check-out you sets and see if you have any AB 460
cards that are not on my list ?



Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
T206Resource (and other sources on Net54) continue the myth that Ames (hands over head) is "confirmed" with an AMERICAN BEAUTY 460 (AB 460) back.
Furthermore, these sources also claim that this same Ames card has been confirmed with the UZIT back.

These are IMPOSSIBLE front/back combos !

I'm so certain that the above front/back combos do NOT exist, that I am willing to offer a $500 reward to anyone here who can show me a legitimate card
of Ames with an AB 460 or UZIT back.....thereby disproving my theory.

> > > > > >

. . > > > > > > > > > >

A year ago I offered a $500 reward....check-out this thread > Obviously, no such Ames card(s) showed up.
One enduring quality of most National's is that you can find virtually every BB card ever issued. So, I figured I would give this experiment one more try.

The Ames (hands over head) is a 350/460 series subject. My research indicates American Lithographic printed the SWEET CAPORAL 350-460, Factory #42 backs and
the Red HINDU backs simultaneously......"matched pairs".

Ames has been confirmed with the SWEET CAPORAL 350-460 Factory #42 back. It has not yet been confirmed with the Red HINDU back. But, it's just a matter of time
that this Ames card with a Red HINDU back will be discovered.

. . . .

Furthermore, Ames card is not the only incorrect info in T206Resource....4 subjects in T206Resource's PIEDMONT 460 Factory 42 listing are identified as "confirmed".

These 4 cards, which T206Resource claims to be confirmed, have never been seen ** with PIEDMONT 460, Factory #42 backs......

Bergen (catching)
Chance (batting)
Murray (portrait)
Overall (blue sky)

For the most part, T206Resource is a dependable site to rely on.....but, they are absolutely mis-informing T206 collectors on these 6 cards noted in this thread.

You can contact me via email.... Or, look for me at the National. I'll be wandering about with $1000 burning a hole in my pocket.
So, if you have either one of these Ames cards to show me, and the card is authentic, then the $500 reward is yours....payable on the spot with cash.

** Note.... In the following post here these facts presented here will be reinforced.


T206 Reference

You accuse me of attacking you but find it okay to attack t206resource for the same mistake that you made for years.
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