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Old 10-09-2021, 02:44 PM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
P@trick R.omolo
Join Date: May 2012
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Hey guy,
I am not the one who starts these negative, meaningless diatribes. There are very few threads in which I have posted in recent years in which you have had anything positive or
meaningful in your responses to my posts. You are constantly "hi-jacking" an interesting (or meaningful) discussion to insert your "negativism".

To be honest with you, yes I the react to your horse-crap. But, seriously speaking, I feel sorry for you. You have a certain talent in doing research in this hobby that is good. But,
you negate all that with your constant meaningless attacks.

I try to avoid such attacks....but, when you accuse me of "stealing" my theory from some one else, I am not going to allow you to get away with such a dishonest accusation.

As they say, if you have nothing good to say about some one, then don't say it at all. This forum was not intended to operate like the toxic social media ones do.

Finally, I have never initiated a negative comment on you. So, why do you persist to attack me ? ?


Once again you throw up a smoke screen to avoid answering a question that makes you look sneaky. Why would you edit several posts in a thread 10 years after it was last active I can't think of many reasons why someone would do this.
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