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Old 10-08-2021, 09:30 PM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
P@trick R.omolo
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Hey guys,

Once again Pat R has "shot himself in the foot" !

I presented my theory about the Mutually-Exclusive printing of the 350/460 series cards on this forum on April 7, 2010. Pat's above post (#1336) is full of fabrications.
And it has become very tiresome.

Here are several excerpts from my Net54 thread on April 7-8th, 2010. Take the time to read them, then tell us: does this sound like I stole this theory from someone else ?

Here is my original presentation......

Art Martineau responded 4-8-2010.....

I responded to Art Martineau 4-8-2010.....

This story continues. If it is of any interest to any of you guys, click on this link:

Meanwhile, let's hope Pat R is eventually cured of his "Ted derangement syndrome" that constantly attacks me with his fabricated "bull-s**t" posts,
that "hi-jacks" that given thread's meaningful conversation on said Topic.

And I'm the one that attacks you?

This post has nothing to do with the Brown Lenox and you know it.

At least I show you enough respect to answer your questions. In the thread you posted a link to why did you go back and "correct a typo" on 1-14-2021 in all the posts that have your list in them in a thread that was last posted in on 4-24-2010?
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