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Old 10-01-2021, 06:47 PM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
P@trick R.omolo
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Pat R

I've been away since last Friday. I was set-up at the Philly Show (3 days). Visiting friends this week. When I return home,
I'll try to sort thru my records to see what I come up with.

Meanwhile, when are you going to correct your "buddies" (or whoever) at T206Resource regarding these 5 cards:

Ames (Hands Above Head) listed as "confirmed" with an AB460 back. This is absolutely a NO-PRINT.

Furthermore, the T206Resource checklist regarding PIEDMONT 350-460/42 includes these 4 subjects listed as "confirmed":

Bergen (catching)
Chance (batting)
Murray (portrait)
Wiltse (Portrait - With Cap)

These 4 cards are absolutely NO-PRINTS with PIEDMONT 350-460/42 backs.

For over 15 years, there are three of us, who individually, put together our P42 runs. And we have compared our experiences
collecting this sub-set. We are convinced that T206Resource is inaccurate, listing these 4 cards as "confirmed" with this back.

Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
This ends my discussion with you. Once again, for the umpteenth time, you have "side-tracked" the Topic of this thread.
Go play your "negative games" with some one else. This ends any further discussion with you....PERIOD !

Dated 7-9-2015.....

Really Ted? Maybe you should pay more attention to what you post. You made the sarcastic comment. If you have a problem with the t206resource
list why don't you contact Tim he's the one that makes the changes to their lists.
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