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Old 09-24-2021, 05:29 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by SteveS View Post
Scott, you nailed it exactly! The milk bottle analogy is spot-on, and I would also add things like pogs and Beanie Babies. If you were alive in the '90s you remember how huge and coveted these things were. There is probably a very small market for them now, and anybody born after 2000 would probably just throw them in the trash if handed one for free.

Speaking of trash and tickets, about 15 years ago I was going on my daily walk, and for reasons I cannot explain I stopped at a trash bin down the street from where I lived. I passed that bin every day without thinking twice about it. But for some reason something caught the corner of my eye, and I went over and peeked in. There was a stack of old newspapers, and the ones I could see were major headlines (such as JFK's assassination and the moon walk). So I did my best dumpster diving and hopped in and grabbed the stack of papers and took them home. They were all decades old and all very major headlines. But there was one that was just a regular old newspaper, with nothing exciting on the front page. I figured that whoever put together this collection knew what he was doing, so there must be an important story inside. When I opened the first page, a ticket to the 1959 World Series fell out. When I opened the next page, a ticket to the first Super Bowl fell out. To this day I have no idea what drew me to go look into that trash bin, but I would like to believe that perhaps the person who put together that collection passed away and his kids or grandkids figured it was junk and threw it away, and he guided me there from above, knowing that I'd recognize what it was and keep it safe. Which I have ever since. I hope that future generations will do the same.
Great dumpster dive! Wow
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