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Old 09-21-2021, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
Your explanation holds water only in a world where the sale prices have grown over time. The same questions have been asked for at least 8 years. All you have to do is search the acronym and hit Last. The number of followers have not created the marketplace. The marketplace created itself out of thin air, which has always been the impression the board has had, even as far back as 2013.
I don't understand what you're saying when you write "The number of followers have not created the marketplace." Who said anything about creating a marketplace? We're talking about why PWCC cards sold for more than their competition.

If you're talking about overall market prices increasing across the hobby over the past 8 years, then that's an entirely different topic. But the answer to that question is surely not that it "created itself out of thin air". New buyers and new money entered the hobby. It's pretty simple. It isn't some artificial price inflation that came from thin air. It was also predictable.
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