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Old 09-17-2021, 09:38 AM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by tschock View Post
Sorry if the point wasn't clear. Let me try to make it simpler.

Bribery only works when the party that is offered the bribe accepts.
Buying another company only works when the company that is offered the buyout accepts.

Does that help?
No need, I got the gist of what you were implying and merely sought to remind others that your commentary was a bit misaligned. If you would actually look up the correct legal definition of the word "bribery" you'd see that it pertains to the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or other person, in charge of a public or legal duty.

The word/term also usually carries with it an illegal, or at least negative, connotation, which I assumed you were trying to imply in some way to Ebay's actions in regards to their acquisitions of other companies over the years. Otherwise, why use the specific word/term "bribery"? Regardless of what Ebay's motive's may have been for any of their business acquisitions, not a single one of them involved giving anything of value to an individual or person in an attempt to influence anyone's actions in regards to any public or legal duties. A business is not actually an individual or person, so by definition, you can't actually bribe a company/business. In the way you are attempting to apply the word/term "bribery", it is akin to someone posting on the B/S/T forum that they are looking for something in particular, and someone responds they have what that person is looking for, they negotiate and arrive at an agreed upon value/price, payment in whatever agreed upon form takes place, and the item's ownership and possession passes from the seller to the buyer. Which is basically the same steps and things that happen when one company buys another. Except, I don't ever remember in all my years anyone ever saying or referring to any seller from off the B/S/T, just like in my example, as having been bribed!!! I believe the average person would simply refer to that as "doing business".

Now, does that help you?
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