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Old 08-20-2021, 07:14 AM
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Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 614

Originally Posted by chaddurbin View Post
well i'm full asian, and what i'm learning from this thread is white people aren't offended by anything, and don't understand why the rest of the world can't brush aside the casual racism inflicted upon them every day.
Yep. I think this has a strong element of truth to it.

What's the difference whether you're picked on for being short, fat, dumb, cheap, a lousy golfer, or asian? It's all the same when you get right down to it - at least to me. I grew up in a neighborhood and an era where everyone picked on everyone else for anything and everything. My parents taught me that it's just words coming out of some idiot. Who cares? Laugh it off and get on with your iife - which, seems to be what Ohtani actually did, and I applaud him for it.
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