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Old 08-18-2021, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by hcv123 View Post
I was guilty of loving and getting excited about the concept so much that I hadn't taken the time to understand it (nor would I have known even where to begin if I wanted to). Your explanation was an incredible, sad and necessary reality check. I suppose we'll see where things go from here.
I think most people are in the same boat, even the executives at Collectors Universe. They just see "AI" everywhere they look these days and see all the brilliant breakthroughs being made in other industries and assume it's coming to every "theater near you" for every industry, including theirs. It takes a lot of research and dedication to understand how it actually works though, and what sort of problems are and aren't good candidates for the application of AI & ML.

Originally Posted by Case12 View Post
Check out Malcom Gladwells book, 'Blink'. He wrote "The Tipping Point" also. He makes a good argument that scientific analysis is completely different from human analysis. And that even cursory expert human anaysis is almost always better and correct more often (key is expert).
Both are excellent books. Blink in particular. I love the story about the tennis coach who can predict a fault serve the moment a player begins their swing, before the ball hits the net with alarming accuracy, but doesn't know why or how he is able to predict it. He just "knows" based on his experience.
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