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Old 08-04-2021, 04:16 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by Duluth Eskimo View Post
To answer your question, I thought it was weak. There was some great stuff at some of the auction house displays including Hunt and Heritage, but little for sale. The memorabilia that was there was generally marked about 2-3 times normal retail, but people are free to mark as they wish. Keith Javic had a nice display as usual and Rick Haskins had plenty of great pennants and his prices are very reasonable in my opinion. There were some other pieces here and there and some nice autographs for sale. The rest of what I personally saw was the regular run of the mill stuff and other items I have seen many times in the past. Sorry I don’t generally take photos. Jason
I would generally agree with all of Jason's comments.
As far as vintage memorabilia, this National was the weakest that I have ever attended. His comment about the memorabilia items that were for sale being 2-3 times normal retail was spot on.

Many of you know that I collect vintage baseball tickets. This National was a virtual bust in terms of finding any of these.

That being said, the experience was still worthwhile. Getting a chance to get together with some of my collector and dealer friends was awesome.
I missed attending the National in 2020. It was great to get back to some sence of normalcy.
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