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Old 07-10-2021, 11:41 AM
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ocjack ocjack is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: The big OC - California
Posts: 705

The night before one of the Anaheim Nationals, I was out having dinner with my wife. A few tables over was Mr. Mint having dinner with Tony Galovich. Would have loved to have been a fly on the proverbial wall (or in the soup as the case may have been).

Another time, I was sharing a table at the '87 National. My friend had arranged for one of his contacts to bring him a Zeenut Dimaggio (with coupon) to purchase. Once the transaction was completed, he walked over to Mr. Mint's table and told him that he had just purchased some baseball books and this DiMaggio was tucked in the pages. Mr. Mint asked him how much he wanted for it. My friend said he was going to keep. Mr. Mint again asked and started pulling out his briefcase. My friend again stated he was going to keep the card but just wanted to show it to him. At that point, Mr. Mint went ballistic. He yelled at my friend, called him various names and told him to never bring him a card that wasn't for sale and to stay away from his table for the rest of the show. MY friend just laughed and walked away. To be honest, it was a little scary seeing how red a face can become in such a short time. lol
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