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Old 07-09-2021, 09:05 PM
Keith H. Thompson Keith H. Thompson is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 107
Default At the Shriners Show in Wilmington, MA

Alan would always be set up just inside the entrance to the show floor on the lookout for anyone carrying a briefcase or any sign of anyone with anything to sell. And woe betide anyone innocent enough to interfere. I always carried an empty briefcase and was permitted admission, but if he were not busy he would ask you again on the way out.
I remember one incident when Ken Savage asked a customer (at Ken's own table) if he had anything to sell. Alan overheard, went to Ken's table and confronted him in a voice loud enough to be heard anywhere in the room -- that "buying was his right" for which he paid extra. Arrogant and overbearing are not strong enough adjectives to describe his behavior.
I often found items at his table beneath his notice for sale at very reasonable prices, and he was courteous and affable.
I miss him.
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