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Old 06-26-2021, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Dc1917 View Post
As promised, attaching photos of other ND pennants from the '20s to maybe early '50s. Very slow buildup on the framing, but I'll get there eventually . The first two pictured are likely next in line alongside the '24 championship one.

I'm thinking of getting the Fighting Irish one restored, but would welcome thoughts on if that's worth the effort. Pennant is from Green Mountain Studios - missing its 3rd set of tassels and has extensive moth damage in areas, but it exists!
Those are some great pennants! The first two are off the charts!

You know, in the 107 pages and 5300 posts to this thread, I don’t know if we’ve ever discussed professional restoration. I ‘ve done my share of amateur restoration but would have a clue how to handle the moth damage to the Fighting Irish. Do you know of a person who does that kind of work?

I’m interested to see what others have to say about restoration. My guess is the opinion will be “go for it if you intent to keep it; you must disclose it if you ever sell.” Personally, I'd love to see if something could be done.

We’re all on a first name basis....what’s yours?
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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