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Old 06-10-2021, 11:00 PM
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IgnatiusJReilly IgnatiusJReilly is offline
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Location: Newbury Park, CA
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Originally Posted by Empty77 View Post
Firstly, shame on you, OP, for disrupting my New Years resolution to get at least a certain good amount of sleep per night, which I only just recently had started succeeding at regularly.

Secondly, take a look at what you inspired me to create as an entry to the thread:

-it's basically the Clemente full regular-issue run, grouped by year, read L-->R in rows so as to tell the story of his career

-the larger gap before the '73 is meant to symbolize the emptiness left by his passing and that the card itself published afterward

-the '63 Fleer is thrown in, as well as some topical cards that are not technically player cards but fill out the team story (like the team cards, and playoff specials)

-one oddball/insert added for fun

-only one left out: the '67 checklist, the busy text of which takes too much away from the whole IMO on this project

-also, one is OPC since that scan happened to be much more straight in its holder than my Topps copy so it looked better

-these are all graded since that's a choice I made some time ago, but I cropped off the label ends because IMO the PSA ones in particular are unattractive and the exceedingly red boarder distracts from cards themselves; this view also approximates a top loader look, which I like the nostalgia of for how I used to collect

-I played with the program enough to produce this, but it's just a first take; I just eye-balled all the spacing and such, but I am sure there must be settings to perfectly center rows and columns in relation to each other if someone digs in deeper

Haha! Sorry about your loss of sleep but you made such a nice collage. This is great! I’ve thought about cropping my slabs out too to focus on the cards, so that was a nice touch. In GIMP there is an “align” tool you can use to precisely separate the cards on a perfect grid, but your eye did a nice job. One other trick is to start with a vector image of each scan so when you downsample to get a reasonable file size you keep close to the original resolution.

Nice work!

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