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Old 05-14-2021, 06:27 AM
bbcard1 bbcard1 is offline
T0dd M@rcum
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Roanoke, VA
Posts: 3,366

Originally Posted by glynparson View Post
If you don’t like capitalism move. It shocks me how many people
Truly display this entitled attitude of I deserve a card at a price I deem fair or I deserve entrance to the show cheap cause I just want to look or some similar sentiment. Demand for things are up and supply is down so that means prices go up that’s how capitalism works. Don’t like it stay home you won’t be missed in this hot market.
You are projecting quite a lot on me for someone who simply objects to pricing something that has been one thing for years and was multiplied five times for no apparent reason. I could spend the same amount of money and probably get better value by simply ordering online from my desk. I normally spend $500 or more with dealers when I go to a show. That would be missed, especially if you multiply it by a number of people who share my view. Maybe not so much to the guys selling 2021 wax, but for the people who fill out sets and spend money at the tables that are just your bread and butter dealers.

Last edited by bbcard1; 05-14-2021 at 06:40 AM.
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