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Old 05-09-2021, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
Dale I don't get your end game regarding the vaccine. Do you want no one to get it? or you are saying it's pointless.......or it's more harmful then Covid?

I have not gotten it, but may, may not.......just waiting to see how more of this plays out.

I know you are a Trumper, no problem there, and he was the one, his regime anyhow, who got the vaccine done so quickly. But I think it wasn't done recklessly to just have a vaccine. I think it was an "all hands on deck" let's figure this out working 24/7. Whereas when people say a vaccine normally takes years, that may be true, but that's because not nearly the amount of resources were put in to get this one done so quickly.

So yah you are gonna break a few eggs as we have seen, but you could get that with anything.

But back to one of my points, Trump got this done. He gets the credit not Biden in my eyes. Joe got a vaccine, basically 5-run lead going to the 9th and he just had to close out the game. So he's done that. He gets his credit as well, and to be honest it's neither of the Presidents getting this done, it's the scientists and these big companies.

So like Frank Costanza I lost my train of thought.......carry on.
I'm just trying to help people make a more educated decision, that is all.

Just this weekend my wife visited her sister at her lakeside home. She received the shot a week or 2 ago and based on what she told my wife, she thought she was fully protected/immune from ever getting covid.
She rarely, if ever watches the news or reads newspapers and the biggest reason she moved to where she is, is to get away from it all.
I have no idea what made her or who told her to get the shot, but, just as one example, here is someone who obviously didn't look into things further before getting it.
My wife said the look on her face was shear shock when she told her that she would likely need a booster in another 6 months as that is what they are saying, that these vaccines are only good for 6 months or so.

Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Complicated subject. A few random thoughts.

One, it just bothers me to see all these politicians urging people to do all this stuff to mitigate the impact of the virus (most of which I agree with by the way) while being terrified of and in many cases supported by the tobacco lobby and not ever speaking up about the dangers of smoking. Maybe it's apples to oranges but something doesn't sit well.

Two, there are things we could do short of banning cigarettes, I think. Better education about the dangers (I mean, you don't hear a word about it ever any more, but you hear 24 7 about the coronavirus). Better measures to protect children against second hand smoke in the home. More help to people trying to quit.
It's all about the money, Peter, and nothing else. If they seriously wanted to ban smoking they would, but you can bet your you no what that they'd tax something else to make up the shortfall.

Like I said before, many are also getting filthy rich off this covid vaccine rollout, but that is another story altogether.

Anyone notice the graph in the link above I posted above how the case numbers, pre election, went through the roof but right after, when they lowered the PCR testing threshold number and began testing far less people, that the covid case numbers plummeted? Anyone notice that right after the election that CNN quit showing the covid case numbers and deaths in their ticker tape?
Things that make you go Hmm.
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