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Old 05-02-2021, 10:16 AM
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J Stone
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Northern California
Posts: 1,189

Steve - my late mom was an RN and I know how she would have right in the middle of all of this, been working 7 days a week, or whatever was asked. I know firsthand how selfless most people who choose to go into the profession are. Although I didn't go in to medicine as she had hoped, I did take to heart all of the teaching she gave me on basic hygiene and healthy habits, including HOW NOT TO SPREAD GERMS AND DISEASES TO OTHERS.

That said, I want to say a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for what you do and let you know that I (and likely not the only one) we do fully appreciate the hard work and sacrifices you and all in your profession have endured during this very real pandemic.

I am fully vaccinated and will continue to mask up in public until it is 100% certain that there is no chance for ME spread the virus or its variants to others. If it means wearing a mask in public for another year, so be it. I'm in.

It's not about fear of "catching" COVID again. Masking is not about the mask protecting me from you, it's so that I don't unknowing spread it to others. So yeah, I'm masking up to protect anti-maskers too as I don't wish this on anyone.
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