Thread: Getting old
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Old 04-28-2021, 10:14 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by Snapolit1 View Post
Nah, totally enjoyed reading.

You mentioned about so many things today are different and just taken for granted. Think of all the choices in restaurants today. Even 25 years ago, in most parts of the country you would be hard pressed to find anything even closely resembling real asian or other ethnic food, or to even find ingredients to make non US food in the supermarket. I remember even a few years ago people started going gaga over avocados, like someone just invented them.

I would never argue that everything is great today. Modern culture has a lot of garbage elements. Mostly the obsessive "look at me" nonsense on social media. No, no one cares what you had for breakfast today. They really don't. And it's not important. But being around my kids and their friends doesn't fill me with despair like it apparently does for many older folks. I see a lot of great things in the current generation that give me great hope. And there is so much amazing art in so many areas. The only depressing thing is when I see some insane you artist and realize they weren't born yet when I was already from school and already years into my career.
It's funny about the food.
I live in a smallish city with a fairly large Asian population. There are tons of choices, to the point that it's a bit difficult to find an old fashioned non-chain non-trendy place that serves typical "american" food. If I want a nice normal burger, I'm mostly out of luck. If I want a burger made from cattle fed in some cattle shangri-la with goat cheese, free range organic bacon etc, I can get it. But it would pretty much blow the fun budget for the month.

I'm amazed at the stuff the kids have easy access to, and how well it's explained.
A few years ago my oldest was watching science videos. One night she asked
"Daddy.. tell me about... (as I'm thinking oh C___ here comes the question I'll try to dodge and defer to mom... )
Quantum Physics..

Wasn't expecting that.

So tonight I sent her a cartoon I saw on facebook. A vetrinarian coming into the waiting room saying "Mr Schroedinger I have good news and bad news about your cat"
And she totally got the joke.

At 10 the jokes I got were more likely to be three stooges, or something.

A different world for sure.
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