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Old 04-27-2021, 09:23 AM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
I think that sentiment has a fatal flaw though. The issue with this virus is that it can be transmitted to people who haven't assume the risk. That's the danger of it. You are welcome of course to have your own stance on behaviors but ultimately your behavior can affect other people's health who haven't assumed the same risks.
People who smoke around people who don't put people at risk who haven't assumed it

People who text (or talk depending on how) while they drive put people at risk who haven't assumed it.

People who produce and promote the myriad food offerings that contribute largely to chronic disease in what is supposed to be the richest, most technologically advanced country in the world put people at risk who haven't assumed it.

People who send their children to school when they have a fever, are sneezing, coughing, etc. put people at risk who haven't assumed it.

People who create large amounts of unnecessary waste including using an excessive amount of plastic and treating non renewable resources as their privilege put people at risk who haven't assumed it.

Because covid is acutely present and "interrupting our lives" all of a sudden "the greater good" is a priority?! Please.

These came quickly off the top of my head - I am sure there are MANY more things that are done and ignored daily that puts people who haven't assumed it , at risk. Injecting something that has the possibility of harm (however small and without a guarantee of 100% effectiveness) must be a choice.
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