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Old 04-17-2021, 09:25 PM
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thetahat thetahat is offline
The Uber Anal Retentive Freak
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: not far from Mt. Vernon, PA
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Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
c’mon guys....take a deep’s too short.
Oh you’re absolutely right, this is my cue to exit stage left. Let’s again remember how we got here, a guy altered a pennant himself and didn’t disclose it, then shamelessly insinuated that I was the problem in the transaction. I think it’s safe to say that any serious collector here reading this would be equally perturbed to be on the other end of that purchase.

But then it got worse. I raised this issue to get other opinions because (a) I was personally curious and (b) this person would get some confirmation that his actions were not on the level, so maybe he would not do it again. Mark, I guess your “OCD” makes you a card carrying member of the Uber Anal Retentive Freak Club. We surely aren’t alone.

But even so I did so without mentioning him by name or even hinting at his identity. He decided to make it personal, revealing even more about his character, even including my last name multiple times which is nowhere else on this site, not even in my profile. So we are crossing multiple boundaries here. Not to mention the lies and the unhinged, childlike commentary.

Now I get the reluctance to take sides, and that’s not what I’m after anyway. You all might be acting neutral - and that’s okay! I get that - but I have no doubt that some of you who have bought from him in the past might be quietly taking another look at those items. But anyway, this is now a clear distinction between ethical and unethical conduct, one that originates in a violation of what I consider a cardinal rule of collecting. Not the alterations per se, but the lack of disclosure. And so this place may not be for me anymore for this all to be tolerated in its entirety. Not that I want anyone booted, of course not. He means nothing to me if he’s here or not. But at some point there needs to be more standing up for what’s right.

So it looks like I’m out .... And that’s fine! I’ll keep collecting.


Last edited by thetahat; 04-17-2021 at 09:27 PM.
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