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Old 04-10-2021, 09:20 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Wimberleycardcollector View Post
I'm fully aware that the provider didn't prepare like they should have. That's on them and I bet they won't be doing it any longer after this storm.

In 2011 Texas suffered a cold snap causing power interruptions. "A post-mortem at the time – including a key finding that state officials recommended but did not mandate winter protections for generating facilities."

In 1989 Texas suffered a cold snap causing power interruptions. The PUC prepared a report. "A section of the document labeled “Recommendations” stated: “All utilities should ensure that they incorporate the lessons learned during December of 1989 into the design of new facilities” and “ensure that procedures are implemented to correct defective freeze protection equipment prior to the onset of cold weather.”

Don't hold your breath.
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
Don't believe everything you think