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Old 04-09-2021, 08:53 PM
FrankWakefield FrankWakefield is offline
Frank Wakefield
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Franklin KY
Posts: 2,753

There in Texas, as Texans have told me, some favor leaving the Union and returning to The Texas Republic... and there are folks in the other 49 states that would see Texas leaving as an improvement for the Union.

The point isn't to dis Texas... the point is that just because some folks see no problem with a course of conduct does not mean they're correct. I recognize I live in a Democracy. I understand that there are times I'm in the minority with some of my views. I'm good with following majority decisions, but that doesn't mean the majority is right about something, it just means there are more of them. Majorities can be mistaken, ill informed, wrong...

And sometimes majorities can be right.
California... some there think they'd be better off out of the Union, as do some that aren't in California. (It's not just a Texas thing.)

What is good is that we can talk about such... Civily.