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Old 04-08-2021, 11:07 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
You do what you feel is right for yourself. Nobody will fault you for that. But let others do what they feel is right for themselves too...including going to ball games. If you don't want to go, don't go. But don't call other people irresponsible because they want to go. Is someone criticizing you for doing what you want to do? I'm guessing not. So why are you doing it to others? Who are you that only your opinion matters?
It's also good to know that since I don't call people who don't want to drive drunk irresponsible, they shouldn't call me irresponsible for wanting to drive drunk.

Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Let me reword it for the mentally impaired. If people aren't breaking any laws or causing intentional harm to others, they should be left alone to do their own thing.
Driving drunk isn't causing intentional harm to others. It's just a side product ... collateral damage. A law was passed to make it illegal to drive drunk because of that potential collateral damage (not every drunk driving escapade ends with someone being injured or killed). People gathering in large crowds during a pandemic without masks and social distancing can create a side product ... collateral damage. There is a potential for people to pass the virus to others who then pass it to others. Potentially, some people may get very sick and even die.

Are people who drive drunk irresponsible?
Are people who gather in a large crowd without masks during a pandemic irresponsible?
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
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