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Old 03-17-2021, 01:56 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 1,071

Hello everyone, I decided to publish what you will read below that although it does not have to do with the cards but perhaps someone in this thread might be interested, it deals with the history of Cuban baseball and in part that of baseball in the United States. Two days ago on Monday, March 15, I received an invitation to an act of placing 2 marble slabs in the Cerro stadium, one of them, a continuation of the one that was placed in 1948 in tribute to the players who participated in the War of Independence against Spanish colonialism in 1895, and this contains some names that in years of research have been discovered and are now in the new tarja, the other is dedicated to the first women who played baseball in Cuba, from the precursor Elena E. In 1881, even the players who belonged to women's baseball teams on the island in 1947, mention that it has to do with baseball in the USA, since in the names that appear there are 6 Cuban women who in Cooperstown are on permanent exhibition than in 1987 it was mounted to honor the AAGPLB women's teams.
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