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Old 02-26-2021, 04:07 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
Rolando Sánchez
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Habana Cuba
Posts: 1,110

Spalding Guide in Spanish. Hello, in your email you ask me if it is true that a guide was printed in Spanish in 1908, I am going to expand the answer, now I have in my hands the first Spalding Guide in Spanish 1885, it is something very interesting since A.G. Spalding writes about the advances of baseball in Cuba and authorizes the printing of the guide in Cuba, among other things that he describes in his writing and signs it, in all its pages baseball is described in Cuba at that time. Now I have the 1908 guide, very interesting everything that has to do with statistics and mainly the photos of the players from that era of the black leagues, the teams that visited Cuba in those years, etc. The Spalding guides in Spanish are a great rarity since a small number of copies were printed. A few years ago an American collector who visited me told me that the few pages they have appear on the Library of Congress, the Black Leagues and the Hall of Fame pages.
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