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Old 02-22-2021, 05:10 PM
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Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 939

Originally Posted by oldjudge View Post
Leon-I don’t think it is that. I think what you are seeing is new well healed buyers entering markets where the supply of desirable goods is limited. If anything, it is probably analogous to Tulipmania, although Tulipmania was a bubble and I’m not sure that this is. If there was too much cash sloshing around in the economy I think you would be seeing widespread inflation and you are not.
As far as the bubble aspect, regardless of the multitude and range of factors that have contributed to the rise in prices (stimulus, boredom, no travel, no meals out, etc. etc. etc.), some of the players will exit the market. They'll take their profits or losses, take that vacation or whatever. Not all of the people buying cards during this increase in prices will continue to buy cards. The pandemic will subside and many people will move on from cards for one reason or another. Prices will drop, whether this is a bubble or not, although I could see some of the cream of the crop retaining value and not giving back as much.
The big question for collectors is: how many new people who have entered the hobby will remain long term?
Then again, I've been very wrong about very many things before...
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