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Old 02-18-2021, 05:49 PM
cubman1941 cubman1941 is offline
Jim Boushley
Jim Bou.shley
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Kingsport Tennessee
Posts: 1,375

Back in 1960-61 I used to hitch hike back and forth to college. Granted it was only 20 some miles one way but I never gave it a thought. This was in Wisconsin where it, at times, got cold. The best ride I ever got was from a couple of hunters heading north for deer hunting. Their car was packed to the brim but they stopped and I squeezed in the back seat. Also rode in back of pick up trucks and cabs of 18 wheelers. Because of this I never hesitated to pick up a hitch hiker. The best one I encountered was one year I was going to visit my mother in Wisconsin and I lived in Maryland. Somewhere in Indiana I picked this young man up. We were almost to Chicago and I was a little tired and asked him if he could drive. He assured me he could so I let him take over. Just on the other side of Chicago he woke me up and said a police car had its lights on and he had to pull over. He then said he did not have a drivers license. The cop came to the window and said the two cars were going pretty fast but he couldn't tell which one was really speeding since one was along side the other and he didn't know who was passing so he let both cars go with a warning. He didn't ask the young man for his drivers license, thankfully. When the cop drove off the young man was shaking so bad I had to take over driving again I let him out just outside of Rockford, Il.
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