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Old 02-15-2021, 03:59 PM
Tyruscobb Tyruscobb is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 602

I noticed the value limit was $100.00 for this particular submission special, when it was sent in, back in June 2020. I have recently participated in two submission groups (Bobby’s pre-war one, and the recent swinging 60s one).

Each special has its own value limit. When is the value calculated? Is it at the time the company accepts the money and order, or is it at the time the actual grading occurs?

If it’s when the grading actually occurs, then I imagine a lot of cards will exceed the limit, considering the long delays and the fact prices just keep going up. I hope the grading companies calculate the card’s value on the date the order and money is accepted.

$100 Willie Mays and Hank Aaron cards from May/June 2020 are now going for $300.00. I would not be happy if a card was under the threshold amount when I submitted it, and due to the long delays and crazy market prices, increases to over the value limit and the grading company, more than 9 months after sitting on it, refuses to grade the card because its value now exceeds the threshold.

Anyone know the answer or have any experience with this? Thanks.
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