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Old 02-15-2021, 08:41 AM
CJinPA CJinPA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: Doylestown, PA
Posts: 105

These things are similar (almost identical, really) to NFT's (non-fungible tokens). It's very interesting the hobby is moving in this direction but for anyone who is involved with cryptocurrency and the decentralized nature of value and finance, they're not surprised.

When you or your spouse purchases something on Amazon, your transactions are part of their blockchain - it's all around us. Bitcoin is not a once in a lifetime occurrence, it's once in a species occurrence. I'm not trying to be too grandiose here, it's just the fact of where value is going.

Your digital art, purchased through sites like are more secured and authentic than many of the $10 million+ Piccaso's in the market.

It's new, it's different, but it's not very surprising... Good for the NBA Top Shots for creating a market, I applaud them!

The US Fed added 40% more $$ into circulation over the past 14 months - so dollars are worth less than 14 months ago - Gold? Nobody know the supply of gold and China, Elon Musk, etc are looking to mine asteroids that are full or gold, platinum and other so-called precious metals. Not this year or even in this decade but it will happen, ongoing projects have detailed these things.

Bitcoin? 21,000,000 coins is all there will ever be - period. Tesla, MicroStrategy and major investement firms have already added Bitcoin to their balance sheet. Rumors of Amazon and Apple in very short order.

Sorry for the long post, but besides collecting Pre War baseball cards, cryptocurrency is my other passion!!

Last edited by CJinPA; 02-15-2021 at 08:42 AM.
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