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Old 01-28-2021, 09:42 AM
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thecatspajamas thecatspajamas is offline
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Originally Posted by Jewish-collector View Post
I'm a small time, low end seller. Can someone explain to me why they haven't forced me to go to managed payments ? Is it just for large volume sellers ?
Eventually, it will be for everyone. Eventually. But they do appear to have started from the top down. Which kind of makes sense when you consider that it's no less effort on their part to get a small seller to switch over than a large seller, but the payoff in additional fees that they then collect is bigger with a large-volume seller.

One might also assume that a large seller would be less likely to walk, thereby cutting off that revenue stream, than a part-time / hobby seller would be, but I've not seen any kind of numbers on that (not sure how one would go about compiling those anyway, other than from a handful of anecdotal accounts, as eBay sure isn't being clear with either the seller adoption rate or a hard timeline for full turnover).
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