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Old 01-20-2021, 11:51 AM
yanks87 yanks87 is offline
Brian K
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 360

Originally Posted by JollyElm View Post
Lighting, lighting, lighting.
Almost every single show I've attended has very poor lighting. I don't know if it's the fluorescent bulbs thing, or the size of these pseudo-gymnasiums, or something else, but I'm constantly having to walk to an open door or a window to be able to examine a card fully in the sunlight. And my eyesight is fine, so it's not just me. It would be great going through the cards at someone's table and being able to see everything perfectly fine. Most larger venues are lit from (way up) above, so that's the origin of the problem. One show I went to was tantamount to being in an office building with light streaming in from everywhere via the windows. That was frickin' beautiful.

Gathering area.
If there's room, consider having an area dedicated to people chatting away and making trades or possibly casual sales. Not as a way to 'compete' with the paying vendors, but as a way to enhance the experience. People love to show off their acquisitions, so it would be a nice break from the show to sit down for a bit and have a good time talking with fellow collectors. (Oh, and make sure this 'Trade Zone' is separate from the dining area.)
Great call on the trading space. The venue we are locked in with has great lighting, and lots of space, so think we can address both of your call outs. Thank you!
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