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Old 01-08-2021, 03:56 PM
judsonhamlin judsonhamlin is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Scenic Central NJ
Posts: 1,014

After a detour through Bethpage, NY (?) its back in New Jersey again at the Black Hole of Kearny. I have another card coming from Scranton via Illinois right now, so that's curious also. I can understand packages sitting in one place or another along a route due to manpower issues, but sending a card from northern Pennsylvania to Illlinois to come back east to New Jersey is really confounding.

Originally Posted by judsonhamlin View Post
That would be me. It is nuts that the card has gone all aroundNorth Jersey, including such tourist hotspots like Teterboro and Clifton, over the last three weeks (including the dreaded 'missent' scan), but it is, as I texted DJ, a card, not a kidney, so I can be patient. In 25 years, the USPS has only lost one card on me, so I like my odds.
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