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Old 12-03-2020, 09:33 AM
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James M.
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: New York
Posts: 1,562

Originally Posted by Rhotchkiss View Post
I notice many new names and members of late (welcome). Some are new to the hobby and some are just now coming back after years away. I have collected off and on my whole life -- I am now on my third collection, having jumped back in in 2015. I got back in for investment reasons. Having seen cards steadily increase in value since I was 6, I figured cards were a good place to put some money; but, of course, then the collector in me took over and I was off to the races.

Anyway, I am interested to know why you have returned to the hobby and/or have decided to start collecting. Newcomers and Come-backers, please share your stories.
I got back in a little before the Pandemic, but I'd be more than happy to share my story.

I started when I was young, it was a way to bond with my Father. Baseball has been the one thing that we've always connected on. I think it's also the reason why I stopped collecting for a bit, The past Decade or so, really until about a couple of years ago, he had very serious health issues. He couldn't do much in terms of going to places, or traveling. The once in a blue moon, that he could, it would usually be a very small vacation. Our attendance of Games and Card Shows together went down a bit.

His health has improved for the most part, we took a trip to Cooperstown in the Summer of 2019, and that kinda re-lit the fire to collect. I bought some Signed photos, and a few cards. Started me off on collecting the Ron Lewis Living Legends series, which I have since finished. We were planning on going to the National together in AC, this past year, obviously with Covid though that didn't happen.

I found here, shortly after my trip to the Hall in 2019, however I didn't start posting more until this year. I'm glad that I did. There are many nice people on this forum, I've since made some purchases on here. No regrets getting back into this hobby! I will admit it is a little difficult considering, I don't treat cards as an investment. I don't really look to sell anything, if an opportunity presented itself, sure but overall I'm happy just collecting. Prices going sky high makes it a little more difficult, but I pick and choose my spots.
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