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Old 11-21-2020, 07:30 AM
Kevin Kevin is offline
Kevin from Franklin Square, LI
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Long Island
Posts: 677

Originally Posted by Gorditadogg View Post
Well buy one of the cheap ones too, then ypu can dollar-cost average.

This has been my father's mantra with stocks for years. My carpool buddy, sort of thinks he's hip, 40 year old , still dresses in skater gear bought bit coin at $800. He had one bit coin and discussed it a lot. Now one thing to know about Dave, he is real tight with a buck. Cheap AF. We'd drive in and he would give me a check for $83.17 for tolls and gas. (Round up or round down, right?)

Anyway, bitcoin dropped to $300 and he was really upset. I told him "buy another one. You'll have 2 for $550". He didn't do it and he brings it up from time to time.

So...don't regret the things you purchase. I was having a bit of buyer's remorse last month. I was checking out this Cy Young on eBay with a weird stamp. Card was real beat up, but the seller had 7000 stars, the minimum bid was $280. My 4 year old son was distracting me at the time, I placed the bid. Completely forgot about it. It was the first bid, obviously there would be others in the week. Well...imagine my surprise when I got an email looking for $318.

Anyway...good call being happy with the purchase.
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