Thread: T207
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Old 10-10-2020, 12:19 PM
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frohme frohme is offline
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Default T207 ...

Definitely my favorite as well - most of the T207 collectors on Net54 know of my obsession (sickness?) with this set. Though I've been away for the better part of a year or more, I collected it fairly actively from '06 -> '18, and was 70 cards or so away from all front/back combo's excluding Red Cross and Lewis (no-emblem). The former (14 examples) are basically unique, and the latter is of little interest to me at the going prices. I say 'was', because pretty much everything is now priced beyond what I would normally have paid, even in the run-up in 2005-2010, so I'm done.

In spite of the drawbacks to the set in terms of player makeup, artwork, and color aesthetics, there's a lot to find interest in. Glad to hear of continued interest in this set that's near and dear to my heart. Lots of good information to be had from a search here - many also turn up in Google searches.

FWIW, a fair number of collectors on the board have completed the set ... some even a number of times. My contribution...
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