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Old 09-28-2020, 12:20 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigdaddy View Post
Ehhh.....these young whipper-snappers only play for the money. Why, back in my day, we'd pay the owners just to play stickball on the asphalt. And we loved it!! We had gloves made out of wooden planks and bats made out of horsehide. The balls were so soft, they'd wrap around the bat like a limp dishrag. We didn't have aeroplanes to take us to other cities; we had to walk from New York to St. Louis, and it was all uphill.

If we hit a foul ball in the stands, we had to pay the owner for it. Got hit in the noggin'? Rub it off and get back in the batter's box - no free base for you.

Just look at the "More from: Phil Mushnick" headlines, no sun shining on that patch of grass.
LOL, Mushnick could take the fun out of fried dough and a ferris wheel at the carnival.

In his day, everybody just shut up and took it............and they were happy about it.....or they got beat by their parents and the nuns at school....and they were happy about that too, because at least they had a roof over their heads and people around them that cared enough about them to beat some sense into them, when they weren't eating their carrots, or catching the baseball with one hand instead of two.

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