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Old 09-28-2020, 06:42 AM
skelly423 skelly423 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 625

These comments apply to cards where there is a decent selection available. While I still prefer cards that follow my criteria, I'll break every one of my rules for unique or exceptionally rare cards I can't find anywhere else.

For me centering is essential. I don't always require perfect 50-50, but if it's anything beyond 60-40 I'm moving on to something else.

Color and registration are right alongside centering in terms of priority, I can't stand blurry, out-of-focus images on cards and won't buy one with that problem. Give me a low grade with bright fresh colors over a higher technical grade with faded dull colors.

Creases are entirely dependent on where they are located. Out of the way corner creases are a non-issue, but I hate creases that run right through the image.

Corners barely matter to me at all. Unless you're dealing with mega money, soft or worn corners are a fact of life with pre-war cards. I prefer all 4 corners be worn evenly, but don't really care if one corner has taken a disproportionate amount of wear.
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