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Old 09-18-2020, 05:58 PM
BaltOrioles BaltOrioles is offline
Alan Strout
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Maine/Florida
Posts: 831
Default 1977 Kelloggs Garland

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Speaking of 1976 Kellogg’s variations, there are a few that I and a couple of advanced Kellogg’s collectors that I have talked to have never seen, the rarer Greg Gross, Jim Kaat, and Frank Tanana, and I’ll throw in the 1977 Bostock. ETA, I would have included the 1976 Orta and the 1977 Garland but I have seen one copy of each but they were both trashed. I’ve never seen a 1976 Rivers but I think one of those collectors told me that they had one.
Cliff, I only collect Orioles and the 1977 Garland is tough. The only one I've seen had a crack, but I grabbed it anyway.


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