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Old 08-08-2020, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Rich Klein View Post
There will not be an East Coast National This Year:

As copied from their web site:

We have been informed by the Westchester County that all events that were scheduled to occur in the Westchester County Center for 2020 have been cancelled. This includes us and all other shows. The County Center is now a full Covid backup hospital with beds and medical needs and is prepared to be used at any time if needed during these terrible times. We have been told that this plan is going to continue until the end of 2020. We look forward to a full return in 2021 at the Westchester County Center.

The Local Long Island Shows are being cancelled one at a time because we are holding out hope for an allowed increase of people for gatherings. The current situation for New York is a 50 person maximum per gathering. Please keep checking back for further updates
I would love if the "big" Hofstra show on Long Island in October can be held but it's looking increasingly doubtful. My professional association has already cancelled our annual October events in NYC and there are no plans for anyone to go back to Manhattan office buildings unless they want to at both my job and my wife's. My building in midtown, which has about 60% of 44 floors occupied by my firm opened to 10% max capacity about a month ago and five people total showed up the first week. It has not gone up substantially since.
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