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Old 08-03-2020, 12:18 PM
HistoricNewspapers HistoricNewspapers is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 185

"Yes, Koufax had less mental attributes. Koufax quit...which makes him soft. I would use another word, but don't want to offend anyone. If he isn't soft, then he is unreliable. Neither are good attributes. If he isn't unreliable, then he is made of glass. Again, not a good attribute in an athlete when there are others who don't have those issues."

You choose which one made him quit. It is one of the three. I'm merely going through the choices that led to him stopping while others didn't. The wording may seem a tad harsh. I personally don't think he is a 'quitter' in the sense that word is usually associated with quitting. But in the end, one guy is there to play and the other isn't.

Last edited by HistoricNewspapers; 08-03-2020 at 12:36 PM.
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