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Old 07-28-2020, 08:44 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by megalimey View Post
Initial most likley side affects of most Vaccines
Pain, redness, tenderness or swelling at injection site
Itching at injection site
Dizziness or fainting (most common in adolescents)
Mild rash to severe rash on arms upper torso
these symptoms can last up to 30 days
A recent clinical trial reported that more than one-third of vaccine recipients missed 2-3 days of work or school because of these vaccine-related symptoms
LONG TERM side affects
just look up Ebola Vaccine scary with only a 70% success rate
and handing over billions of dollars to big pharma, yes the Opioide big pharma

sounds like fun sign me up

right but remember it will save the .001 percent of people who contract the virus (will be harder to contract as less will be infected by the time the vaccine is rolled out) AND die of it which will be hard because of many medicines that will also be available to prevent death and bad long term get ready to sign up..
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