Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-17-2020, 09:03 AM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
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Default An old expression comes to mind

Originally Posted by CJDave View Post
And yet for two weeks he doesn't have the desire to reply to these comments!!! I know if someone were telling lies about me I'd be on here in two seconds to set the record straight. Can one assume that the lack of response means he has no defense for his actions ???

Give some kind of comeback: something like......I told you I wouldn't be able to put reserves on all or in fact any of your items (which wouldn't be true), or I called you to coordinate the exact day/time/location we would be carefully returning your items (which also didn't happen), or you gave me permission to break apart your coin sets so I did (which, you can guess didn't occur either).
Sometimes it is wiser to not speak and let people wonder how stupid (fill in whatever appropriate adjective(s) fit) you are than to open your mouth and prove it!

Under the presumption that your side of it is even mostly objectively accurate - what could he possibly come here to say to help his position?