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Old 07-16-2020, 12:08 PM
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earlywynnfan earlywynnfan is offline
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Originally Posted by Huysmans View Post
You still don't get it....

If you allocate more money for one area, funds have to be taken from other areas.
Why do schools in low income areas have less than schools in high income areas to begin with? The answer is obvious.. the people that live in those areas contribute less than the people in the high income areas, hence, they have less.
So what you want is for people with more money to fund the people with less money... correct?

By the same token, and what you would like to see, is those with less income having the same as the people with more income, but they'll contribute much less to get it.

Bottom line, you can delude yourself all you want with spurious logic and left-wing rhetoric, the truth is, it's stealing from one group to give to another. Period.
And this is coming from a liberal...

.... yeah, that's fair.
I always envisioned an America where a basic level of life is provided: education, fire and police, roads get paved. If a portion of my taxes are actually being used so the poorer neighborhoods around me can have a city pool or a library, then I feel that I'm keeping up my duty as a member of this society. To use the term "stealing" is offensive to me. It's beyond the debate of how much of my taxes go to whichever pot. We are such a low-tax country, yet we all want Uncle Sam to take care of us in our own way, but it's "stealing" if I don't get back, in some form, every penny I put in??

So if in our society, the "haves" and the "have nots" only get money for education that they can raise in their own district, Bottom line: poor districts will always be poor, and they will keep raising poorly educated students. And what's going to happen to the "haves?" The answer is obvious: they will be able to put more resources into making their educational system even better. All of which leads to that great promise: Make America Great Again for People With Money.
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